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Just like you, I have a deep love for America.  There is no other place on God’s green earth like this beautiful and unique country.  No place where we have the liberties and freedoms that grant us the opportunity to do or be anything we want with virtually unlimited potential.  It makes me sad to see it being brought down from the inside by a lawless regime.  Please join me in taking Wisconsin back and returning it to the beautiful land of opportunity it was meant to be!


As your representative in Madison, I will embark on a ceaseless effort to bring honesty, integrity and accountability back to government. I will keep you informed and educated about the goings on there. I will fight to protect your God given freedoms outlined in our Constitution. 


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  • Preserve Freedom of Speech

  • Preserve Freedom of Religion

  • Preserve Medical Freedom

  • Preserve Family Values

  • Preserve American Values

  • Protect Life

  • Protect and Secure our Border

  • Return Education to Reading, Writing and Arithmetic

  • Support Law Enforcement to Preserve Law and Order

  • Stop Uncontrolled Spending

  • Stop Illegal Immigration

  • Stop Human and Child Trafficking

  • Promote Energy Independence

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What qualifies me to be your representative?

I am running for the Wisconsin Assembly because I have been on the sidelines complaining for long enough.  I'm tired of watching a small group of people take advantage of the rest of us while they should be looking out for us.  I'm tired of the fraudulent elections keeping that small group in power.  I'm tired of watching our children's minds be corrupted with DEI programs.  It’s time to do what I can to help return our government back to “We the People”. 

I am a disruptor.  I am never satisfied with the status quo, or even the improved status quo.  I believe there is always room for improvement.  I have lived my life with this philosophy.  I am a solutions oriented, outside the box problem solver. What this all means is that I will never stop working for you.  I will never be satisfied.  I will problem solve and disrupt the corrupt status quo relentlessly on your behalf.

  • Innovator & “outside the box” problem solver

  • Relentless disruptor -  Never satisfied with the status quo

  • Always assessing, improving & adapting

  • Honest, hardworking, and trustworthy

  • Guided by Christian faith

  • Servant’s heart (Galatians 5:13)


Republican Primary = Tuesday, August 13th, 2024

General Election = Tuesday, November 5th, 2024

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